12-13.04.2014 | Show in Chemnitz | |||||||||||||||||
We went to the double show in Chemnitz on 12th and 13th of April 2014 to show some of our dogs and meet our friends. It turned out to be a wonderful weekend for us all ! On Saturday at the CACIB under Mr. Tomasz Kuszyk from Poland we showed our Italian Greyhound, Nine Lives Pinocchio, who won Junior class and got his first JCAC, JVDH and JBOB ! Our young whippet male Nine Lives One More Night, Jesta, won JCAC, JVDH and he finished his Junior Championship DWZRV. PurePrecious Ain't it Funny, Abbey, got exc3. I also showed Almansor's Sweet Tempation of our friend Margit Müller and won CACIB and VDH with her. On second day it was a CAC show for Sighthounds and we showed some more dogs under Mrs. Poduschka-Aigner from Austria. We started with Italian Greyhounds and again Nine Lives Pinocchio won Junior class, got his secondJCAC, JVDH and Best Male ! His sister Nine Lives Penelope, owned by our friend Katy Körnich, won JCAC, JVDH, JBOB and BOB, what a great result for the youngsters ! We also showed two Magyar Agar bitches, Devaj 1976 Jade of Birgit Matschiess and Martin Brechmann, handled by Emil, won JCAC, JVDH, JVDH, JBOB, BOB and JBIS ! Her sister Devaj 1976 Jazz, owned by us, got exc2, ResJCAC and ResJVDH. Our first steps with Magyar Agars were quite successful, thanks to Jutka Szanka from Hungary to let Jazz join us and thanks to Birgit and Martin who brought Jazz together with Jade :-) With our whippets we had also wonderful results. Our youngest addition, Karstia Signature Edition, co-owned with our friend Nicole Stephan, was shown in Baby class and he did very well on his first show, he got vp, handled by Nicole. Nine Lives Call me Mister, Gandhi, co-owned by Sylvia Salomon, is still in a very nice condition, winning his second VetCAC, VetVDH, VetBOB and VETBIS with 11 years ! In Junior Class we showed Nine Lives Raven, co-owned with Sylvia Salomon, and Vasuru Taffi's Altair, Vaaleo. Vaaleo got exc 2, ResJCAC and ResJVDH, Raven got exc1, JCAC, JVDH, JBOB, BOB and later in the ring of honour he won BIS with only 10 months on his second show ! Nine Lives Light My Fire, a full brother of Raven, owned by our friend Melanie Otto, won the Open Class and got CAC and VDH. Our young girl Camilla Camelia Synergy, usually she is a very nice mover, but she decided to jump over the black stripes between the carpets, so she got only vg this time. We had three dogs in the Junior BIS ring, Devaj 1976 Jade handled by Emil, Nine Lives Raven, handled by me and IG Nine Lives Penelope, owned and handled by Katy Körnich. Mr. Kuszyk gave JBIS to Devaj 1976 Jade ! For the decision for the BIS we also had these three dogs in the ring and Mrs. Poduschka-Aigner choose Nine Lives Raven for BIS !
29.11.2013 | Show in Swiedbodzice in Poland | ||||||
On 29th of Novemer 2013 Emil went together with our friends Margit, Andreas, Nicole and Alex to the show in Swiedbodzice in Poland. The show was nicely organized, a clean heated hall with enough places to sit and watch. The organizers prepared a wonderful amount of very nice rewards for the winners, all was done and prepared with a lot of heart. They invited interesting judges from abroad. Our show team was very successful ! Italian Greyhound Hadrian Nero Is Noveles won his last CWC for his Polish Championship and was BOB of 8 Italian Greyhounds and later he on BOG! We are very proud of our black boy :-) Nine Lives Friday After Next won his 3rd CWC and also BOB of 7 Whippets. The Whippet bitch Almansor's Sweet Temptation of Margit Müller won her first CWC and BOS and her Greyhound bitch Jet's Smoke N Amber won her last CWC for her Polish Championship and BOB and BOG 4. The Whippet male Leagrim liuths vom Elfenhain of Nicole and Alex Stephan won his second CWC. Every group winner of each day, Friday and Saturday, got a surprise reward, the organizers offered a hotel room in a castle ! So every group winner had the possibility to take part in the BIS competition on Sunday. It was a very nice finish of the show season 2013 for us and our friends and pretty sure we will go again to Swiebodzice ! All photos were sent to us with permission to be used on our web site from Katarzyna Mijakowska.
13.10.013 | Show in Gorzow Wielkopolski | |||||
On 13th of October we went to Gorzow Wielkopolski to show some of our dogs and dogs of our friends under Mrs. Misterka-Kluska. Italian Greyhound Nine Lives Pinocchio won Puppy Class and became Puppy BOB. Our Italian Greyhound Hadrian Nero Is Noveles won Open Class with CWC and Best Male. Our whippets were also quite successful, Nine Lives Joueuse won her third CWC and became Best Female. Nine Lives Nerai ( Nive Lives Friday After Next x Nevedith Mfa Maria) won his second JCWC, became JBOB and later BOB and BIG 2, handled by our friend Nicole ! We are very proud of our youngster and of our show team :-) Absolutely stunning was the Greyhound bitch of our friend Margit Müller, Jet's Smoke N Amber won her third CWC, BOB, BIG and "Milla" became BIS 2 ! It was a great weekend !
14.09.013 | Show in Eilenburg | ||||||
On 14th of September 2013 we went to Eilenburg to show our whippets under Mr. Henne, IG were judged by Mrs. Krah-Heiermann. The IG Nine Lives Penelope of Katy Körnich got vp1 and won PuppyBIS. Penny won a bottle of wine, the bottle was much higher and heavier than she herself ! Our whippet male Nine Lives One More Night, "Jesta", won in Junior Class exc2, ResJVDH, Nine Lives Nerai got exc4 and Almaglo Otis in Open Class V1, VDH, ResCAC. Tiger's Chaos Call of the Wild, "Ranu", won Intermediate Class and CAC und VDH , he became Best Male ! A great success for our Finnish boy ! Females Nine Lives Joueuse, "Panda" and PurePreciouus Aint It Funny,"Abbey" won in the open class V-2,Res VDH and V-1,VDH and later Abbey won as well ResCAC. We had a sunny and lovely show day with our friends !
We have 4 new DWZRV Champions | |
Dt. CH DWZRV Nevedith Mfa Maria Dt. Jun Ch DWZRV Nine Lives Joueuse Dt. Vet Ch DWZRV Nine Lives Bajka Dt. Vet Ch DWZRV Eureka Gorzowska Panorama |
31.08.013 | Show in Chorzow | |||||
On 31st of August we went to Chorzow in Poland to show under the Polish Sighthound specialist Mrs. Hanna Wozna-Gil. In Baby Class the Italian Greyhound Puppy Nine Lives Pinocchio got vp1 and became Best Italian Greyhound Baby. In Open Class our Italian Greyhound male Hadrian Nero Is Noveles won the CWC. Our Whippets were even more successful ! In Junior Class the young male, Nine Lives Nerai, won his first JCWC, JBOB and later JBIS 4. A great result for his first show ! In Open Class our Nine Lives Friday After Next got CWC and in Champion Class our Highnote Secret Dazzler won CWC and BOS. He finished his Polish Championship ! Also our bitches won their classes. In Open Class Nine Lives Joueuse won CWC and BOB ! Nevedith Mfa Maria won her CWC in Champion Class. The whippet male of our friend Nicole Stephan won his first CWC in Intermediate Class and Greyhound bitch Jet's Smoke N Amber of our friend Margit Müller won her CWC and BOG 4 ! It was a wonderful show day !
10.08.013 | Show in Zehlendorf | |||||||||||||||
We had another great weekend with our dogs. Very late we entered in Zehlendorf under Mrs. Märki-Casanova from Switzerland. But it was worth to be there today ! 37 Whippets were entered. We showed Nine Lives One More Night in Junior Class and he won JCAC, JVDH and JBOB, in Open Class Almaglo Otis got Exc 2, in Intermediate Class, his debut in this class, Tiger's Chaos Call of the Wild won CAC, VDH and BOB, just 15 months old, and Nevedith Mfa Maria won CAC, VDH and BOS and she became German Champion today ! Vasuru Taffi's Altair participated at his first show with 6 months and was vp 1 and got a great judges report !
27.-28.07.013 | Show in Wasserschloss Klaffenbach | |||||||||
We had a great weekend in Klaffenbach, Saturday under Mrs. Schröter our IG Hadrian Nero Is Noveles was BOB, our whippet male Almaglo Otis got ResCAC and Nine Lives Friday After Next won the Champion Class. Sunday under Mr. Hlebarov was absolutely wonderful for us ! Our IG Hadrian Nero Is Noveles again BOB and Landessieger Sachsen 2013, and Eureka Gorzowska Panorama VetCAC, Landessiegerin Sachsen 2013 and BOS. We showed the whippets Nine Lives One More Night in Junior Class with JCAC, Jugendlandessieger Sachsen 2013 and JBOB, in Open Class Almaglo Otis with CAC, in Champion Class Nine Lives Friday After Next with Landessieger Sachsen 2013 and BOB and Nevedith Mfa Maria with CAC, Landessiegerin Sachsen 2013 and BOS. Nevedith Jayfa Jaymee, coowned with Mrs. Margit Müller, won VetCAC, VetLandessieger Sachsen 2013 and VetBIS ! Beside the great results we had a lot of fun with our friends !
07/07/2013 | Show in Gorzow Wielkopolski | ||||
We have been to the CAC show in Gorzow Wielkolpolski/Poland on 7th of July 2013 to show 4 whippets under Mrs. Garzyna Pindera from Poland. Nine Lives Friday After Next won CWC in Open Class and Highnote Secret Dazzler won CWC in Champion Class and became BOS. Nine Lives Joueuse won CWC in Open Class and Nevedith Mfa Maria won CWC in Champion Class and became BOB and BIG 3. We are very happy with these great results ! It was a nice show, well organized and on a nice showground, a big football place. Sun was shining the whole day and it was a great athmosphere at ringside without stress.
We have 4 new Int. Champions | |||||
27/04/2013 | Whippet Speciality in Wismar | ||||||||
On Saturday 27 we went to show some of our males at the Whippet Speciality 2013 in Wismar under the judge Mrs. Suligoi from Switzerland.Mainly we wanted to bring our 3 puppies of the O-litter to get them used to shows. We entered 5 males, beside the 3 puppies we entered our 1 year old Tiger's Chaos Call of the Wild, "RANU", and one of our most experienced and successfull males Nine Lives Friday After Next "AMUN".
The 3 Puppies were behaving nicely for their first time in the ring, showing themselves with selfassurance but sometimes loosing concentration because of the strong wind blowing the tents and many things around.
All 3 of them got vp but it was Nine Lives One More Night, "JESTA", who got a placement in his class, he was vp3. Ranu was exc but he did not get a placement in his class. Amun was competing in a very strong Champion class with several excellent dogs, some came from abroad. In that strong class AMUN was placed exc-1 but he lost Best Male against a very young dog of the small Intermediate Class. All in all we were content that our puppies were showing themselves nicely and esp. that showed excellent movement in the ring. Mrs. Suligoi was doing very well with all dogs, encouraging esp. the young dogs, so that it was a really nice start for them.
Ranu was behaving much better and more selfassured in the ring than at his first show some weeks ago and Amun showed his effortless daiy-cutting movement which took the attention of the spectators around the ring.
Considering the show and the organisation it was really bad luck with the weather, the previous day it was raining terribly but in my oppinion, the rings for the yearly speciality were way to small (there was enough place in the nice park to make bigger rings) and it could and it should have been done a bit more, I didn't had a feeling that this was yearly speciality at all, it was just like a normal sighthound show.
30/09/2012 | CACIB Zehlendorf, Germany |
This week end in Freiburg Melanie showed our young male Nine Lives Light my Fire under the judge Mr. E. Sistermann. Nine Lives Joyeux -Jester- was shown in Open class and got exc 4. Nine Lives Light my Fire-Jason- was shown in Junior class and he won his class and later he was Junior BOB. In the BIS selection for junior winner he was choosen for the short selection. Congratulations!!! |
30/08/2012 | CACIB Zehlendorf, Germany | |
With my friend Melanie we went to the CAC show in Zehlendorf looking forward to meet friends. It was a nice sunny day and many friends showed up, including the new owners of puppies of our last litters. We spent the day chatting, laughing, collecting experience with the puppies and showing our dogs.
Some of our dogs and dogs of our breeding were shown and here are the results : Nine Lives Jolie Fille "Gretchen" had her debut in intermediate class, she got Exc 1 and later she won RCAC. IG Eureka Gorzoska Panorama "Lilly" with her 8 1/2 years was entered in veteran class where she showed that still she can present herself in the ring like she did when she was competing in open and champion class. Mentionned in the judges report : Great classical movement !
29/08/2012 | CACIB Ohrid, Macedonia | ||||
On the second CACIB show, our Italian Greyhound male, Hadrian Nero is Noveles "Nero", was entered.
27/08/2012 | CACIB Ohrid, Macedonia | |
This was a surprise trip, we had not planned to go on such a long trip this year, but it did take place and it was a great time. The show was held in the garden of a hotel, where the rings were placed close to the beautiful Ohrid Lake. On the first day was CACIB Ohrid and we showed our whippet male Almaglio Otis where he took the Macedonian CAC and CACIB and later he was BOS.
04/08/2012 | Donaueschingen SIghthound festival | |
On Saturday Jason (Nine Lives Light my Fire) was entered first time in junior class at the famous show in Donaueschingen. The judge was Mrs. M. Nordin from Sweden. Jason was presented nicely by his owner Melanie Otto and achieved the following results: Jun VDH,Jun CAC and Junior Winner Donaueschingen 2012.
What a start for our young boy, after winning a BIS Puppy he continues to show his quality..
21/07/2012 | CAC sighthound specialty at Klaffenbach, Germany |
Show result from the CAC sighthound specialty at Klaffenbach, Judge Mrs.Mueller from Switzerland
At this show we showed 2 of our female whippets and the girls were just perfect, having fun in the ring where they achieved the following results:
Pure Precious Ain`t it Funny (Abbey) got V-1,Jun CAC, Jun VDH, Jun BOB and BOS. With this Jun CAC Abbey became JUN CH DWZRV. Nine Lives Joueuse (Panda) got ResCAC
14/07/2012 | CAC Gruna |
Show Results from CAC Gruna where our little Italian Greyhound female Ana won her first CAC.
Under the judge Mr.Krol from Poland,Ana also managed to win BOB as well. On the same show under the judge Mr.Richter from Germany our Nine Lives Baika won Vet VDH and Vet CAC . |
4/07/2012 | CACIB Szczecin Poland, Mr.Kazmierski from Poland |
We went to this show with a couple of our dogs which were just missing one CACIB to fulfill the conditions to achieve their INT CH certificate. The show was nicely organized and crowded, a great number of dogs wre entered and the competition was strong. But everything went just like a dream, so fast and so unreal, we had really really a very successful day. Our dogs got the following results:
Saluki - Dolunay El-Rub' al-Khali (Dolunay) got CWC(class winner),CACIB and BOS, so with this CACIB she became INT CH. Whippet - Nevedith Jayfa Jaymee(Jaymee), co-owner Margit Müller, got CWC and this was the last of 4, so he became POl CH Whippet - Highnote Secret Dazzler (Dan) got CWC,CACIB and BOS, the last CACIB to get his INT CH Whippet - Nut in Sugar Minori ad Majus (Sugar) was V-3 in a very strong competition, she was just great, showing herself as usual. Italian Greyhound - Hadrian Nero is Noveles (Nero) was star of the day, in a competition with a big entry he was stunning, self assured, so he got CWC,CACIB and BOS. He needs only 1 more CACIB for his INT CH. Greyhound - Jet`s Smoke N' Amber (Milla) owned by our friend Margit Müller is already used to win and in Szczecin she got CWC,CACIB, BOB and in the group she was BOG 4. |
3/6/2012 | Tüttleben |
After Nine Lives Light up the Sky and Nine Lives Light of Love won Puppy BIS in Germany and Finland, it was the turn for Nine Lives Light Streams to win Puppy BOB under judge Mrs. van Zanten from Holland.
19&20/5/2012 | CAC Zehlendorf, Germany |
Great results for our whippet male Almaglo Otis who made a great start by winning 2 CAC D in one weekend.He was also the best male on both days. |
2012 | L litter show results |
There are new show results. Very nice news are coming from our L- litter puppies,they have all started in Baby class. Our little girl Nine Lives Light my Love, which is now in Finland in the Tiger's Chaos Team, won Puppy BOB at her very first show.
As well we have great news from Tommy Schleifer who was at the sighthound speciality in Schwarzenfeld where he showed 2 of his dogs under judge Mrs.Mueller from Switzerland : Nine Lives Light my Sky was VP1 and won Baby BOB Nine Lives Joujou was V-3 in open class At this show 2 dogs which have the same sire, Highnote Secret Dazzler, our Dan, were shown in open class with following results:
21&22.04.2012 | CACIB & CAC Dresden, Germany | |||||||||
21.04.2012 CACIB Dresden, Judge Mr.Joachim Kiack from Germany
Males Intermediate Class Igracek od Hnevina got V-1,VDH Nine Lives Joujou got V-3 Open Class Nine Lives Fast to Furious got V-5 Champion Class Highnote Secret Dazzler got V-1, VDH, CAC, CACIB, Best Male, BOB and in the end in the group he got BOG 2
Italian Greyhound
Champion Class Hadrian Nero is Noveles won V-1,CAC,CACIB and BOB
5/3/2012 | Rest in Peace Dawn Sharp | |
My good Friend Dawn Sharp surprisingly died. She left her family and many friends who will miss her.
Dawn was very ill, she had problem with her lungs,but she was always optimistic and was never giving up. She was helping some poor dogs in her area, she loved her Whippets and in the end, when she became weaker from her illness, there were only few dogs left but she found new joy in keeping small rabbits. I have met Dawn in the Forum K9 and we became friends. She let me choose a puppy from her breeding. Dawn told me that he is the very best that she had ever bred, she was sure he would be a great dog, a real star in the show rings. From the very first day when I picked up the puppy, she was very proud of her little boy and that he went to me. That little boy is Highnote Secret Dazzler, sire of the J-Litter of Nine Lives and the I-Litter from the Kennel Od Hnevina. Until now Dan became INT Ch and CH of Germany and Serbia. Here are some of his show results until now: Under judge Janina Staniszewska "Dan" was Best Male in Gelsenkirchen on 10.05.2008 He was BOB in Subotica under judge Antonin Mudra from Czech Republic BOB under judge Mr.Kupferberg from Israel at CACIB Belgrade on 10.02.2008 At the Speciality Show for Whippets in Konopiste, Czech Republic, under judge Mrs. Kathy Thomas from Great Britain he won CAC BOB and BIS3 in Osagard, Hungary at the 1. Sighthound Festival on 09.08.2009 under judge Mrs.Szanka In Chorzow Poland, on 14.09.2008 under Mrs.Editha Newton from GB he was Best Male and BOB CACIB Belgrade on 08.02.2009 under Mrs. Balogh from Hungary, he was BOB On 06.06.2009 under Mrs. Daines from Australia at the show in Grossenhain he got V-1,CAC Best Male on 24.10.2009 under judge Mr. Henne in Greppin BOB in Tuettleben on 29.05.2010 under judge Mrs. Pindera from Poland BIS on 24.09.2001 in Wandlitz under judge Mr. Petreski from Croatia All his Successes in the show rings and as a sire I dedicate to you, Dawn, my friend and my messenger chatting companion, without your friendship and your foresight for his qualities already as a puppy Dan would have never comed to us to become what he is today. THANK YOU VERY MUCH DAWN. I know that you watch him from your place at the rainbow bridge !