german english


Tiger's Chaos Call of the Wild  "Ranu"

Wurftag: 29.04.2012
Züchter: Sanna Wag
Besitzer: Ulrike Homer




Tiger's Chaos Call Of The Wild Boxing Helena's B Supa Chaos Nut Crisp of Nevedith Nevedith Rare Rogue
Loroli Lyrical of Dunaruna
Nevedith Supa Sassy Pardee Appy Arry of Nevedith
Nut Cracklin of Nevedith
My Camelot RN Passion My Camelot Forever Fire Whipcat Fire Island at Courthill
Lorricbrook Star Appeal
My Camelot Sable Swan Nevedith Eefa Empra
Lorricbrook Tor Royal